On this project ITM were the main contractor and provided all traders including, Air-con specialists, Electricians, Joiners, Flooring specialists, Hygienic wall boards, and suspended ceiling installers. We also supplied all materials including cleanroom doors and windows as well as a Mezzanine area.
On this project ITM provided all of the above, see attached pictures, as well as all pipelines, water, stream nitrogen, purified water and air.
On this project ITM provided all services and materials. Work as the main contractor alongside the company building services team. The building itself was over 1200m² which we stripped back to a shell repairing the roof, altering brick internal and external loadbearing walls, fitting offices, toilet cubicles, over 60 door sets suspended ceiling, wet wall, compressed air lines, and plumbing.
On this project ITM provided all trades working as the main contractor. We also done all design and build, working with the client to provide detailed drawings and design a new Air-con system and four separate cleanroom areas including three cleanrooms and plantroom area.
As a company ITM pride ourselves on providing a proactive, approachable service working alongside our customers to achieve our goals and the finished product. We commit fully to large and small projects 100%